Hi! Today's story is lunch at Empire Grill. I didn't book park entrance during August because of hot weather, but I suddenly missed Tokyo Disney Resort. This is why I went to Empire Grill.
Empire Grill is California Cuisine restaurant at Disney Ambassador Hotel. I found vacancy some days ago, and I booked, so lucky.
There were decorations inside. It seemed Disney Summer Dining related.
I ordered Summer Dining Lunch menu and Special Drink, instead of wine, because alcoholic drink was restricted. Special drink was with pineapple juice, lime, cardamom and rosemary.
Amuse, and bread. The dice shaped bread was a brioche, a bit sweet and good.
前菜は、ソフトシェルクラブのフリッターと天使の海老のマリネ 玉葱のヴルーテ バタフライピーのフォーム。天使の海老、ホントに天使だなぁ。
The appetizer was fritter of soft-shell crab, and marinated shrimp.
スープは、マーガオ香るトウモロコシとココナッツのエスプーマ 冬瓜とコンソメのジュレ。マーガオとは、台湾のタイヤル族が好むスパイスなんだそうです。なんとも不思議な香り。トウモロコシの甘さがしっかり感じられました。
The soup was cold corn and coconut soup with consomme jelly. It smelled Magao, a Taiwanese spice. I was exotic.
メインは、スズキか、鶏かの選択だったので、鶏を注文。水郷赤鶏のロースト ブルーベリーソース ケールワッフルとガーデンサラダでした。ケールワッフルがついてくるのは、アメリカのチキンアンドワッフルを模しているだそうです。アメリカではシロップをかけてしまうけど、こちらは甘くないワッフルなので受け入れやすいかな。鶏は、もっちりと噛み応えがあるお肉で、とってもおいしかったです。
There were two choices for the main dish, Japanese sea bass or Suigo-chicken. I took roasted Suigo-chicken with blueberry souce. It was with kale waffle, imitating Chicken and Waffle, a famous American dish. So good.
Finally, tea and dessert came. It was passion fruits mousse and mango sorbet. See cute Minnie Mouse picture on the plate. This is Disney hotel. The translucent jelly was a flavor of Dita liche, I loved it.
Going to Disney Parks is so much fun, but Disney Hotels is also good especially these hot days. I bought Mickey shaped denish and banana bread at Tick Tock Diner, next to Empire Grill, and went back to my home. The 20th anniversary of Tokyo DisneySea will start soon from next weekend. I need to fire myself up! See you!