Happiest Holidays


上海ディズニーランド、おかわり!(準備その2) / Shanghai Disneyland, Again! (Prep, part2)

Our next trip to Shanghai Disneyland is in June. As we will stay at Disney Hotels, our park admission is guaranteed. So I just wanted to check the price of the ticket on official web site. But...ticket sales from June-6th seemed to be suspended.
I wondered why, and found that the ticket price would increase:(
Current pricing until June-5th is as follows.
・レギュラー/Regular 370 CNY
・ピーク/Peak 499 CNY
New pricing from June-6th is as follows.
・レギュラー/Regular 399 CNY
・ピーク/Peak 575 CNY
・ピークホリデー/Peak Holiday 665 CNY (春節国慶節など/i.e., Chinese New Year holiday and China National Day holiday)
As our visit will be on Saturday and Sunday, it will be Peak price. Then the difference will be 76 CNY. Ummm, if park crowdedness will become small thanks to price increase, then I am fine. Anyway, let's to take it as it comes. The prices of 2-days tickets or kids are not described. I am looking forward next announcement.
To blogs of the same category.
